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America's Frontline Doctors is the nation's premier Civil Liberties Organization. Our mission is to provide We The People with independent information from the world's top experts in medicine and law so you can be empowered with facts, protect your health, and exert your inalienable and Constitutionally guaranteed rights.

Most Notable Work

AFLDS played a key role in the victory over OSHA’s vaccination mandate for non-healthcare workers. To achieve victory, AFLDS filed an amicus curiae brief to the U.S. Supreme Court to provide clinical and legal support. AFLDS’ medical and legal leadership delivered research to prove that the vaccines do not prevent transmission and therefore there is no justification for discriminating against un-vaccinated people. This case represented a first-in-the-nation legal achievement to clarify treatments versus vaccines.

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AFLDS took a stand against the racism of former New York City Mayor de Blasio by documenting the onerous and arbitrary nature of the NYC vaccination mandates. AFLDS Attorney Sheldon Karasik documented that the vaccine mandates discriminated disproportionately against members of the Black community’s ability to peacefully assemble. Therefore under the law, the mandates violate The First Amendment and are inherently racist—even if that was not the conscious intent of the government at the time of passing the law.

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AFLDS’ case against Kaiser Permanente set multiple landmark precedents and distinctions. Our Preliminary Injunction documented repeated and hazardous over-reach by the allegedly private institution. AFLDS documented Kaiser Permanente’s dominant role in the CDC’s Vaccine Safety Datalink. Their role in pushing the “mass hypnosis” narrative will remain the focus of further AFLDS activities.

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The White Coat Summit seems like ancient history now, but the example that it set sent shockwaves around the country—and planet at large. After receiving over 20,000,000 views in 24 hours, Dr. Gold’s reputation as “The Doctor Who Went Viral” was cemented. Her legacy and the future of AFLDS began on the white steps of our Capitol and will continue to be forged everyday in the courts, homes, and hospitals of America.

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get to know

Dr. Simone Gold

Dr. Simone Gold, MD, JD, is a licensed emergency physician and attorney, and the visionary who led the pivotal press conference event that broke the spell of the coronavirus panic in 2020.

Creating the most viral moment in modern media history, she became the founder of America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS), saving countless thousands of lives from the virus and freeing millions more from fear, and from government propaganda and corruption. She now leads the nationwide movement to “Drain the Science Swamp.”

Dr. Gold is also a mom, the CEO of, and a best-selling author. She graduated from Chicago Medical School before earning her Juris Doctorate degree at Stanford University Law School, and then served minority communities as an ER doctor for over 20 years, without a single malpractice complaint. She has worked in Washington, D.C. for the Surgeon General, as well as for the Chairman of the U.S. Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee.

Dr. Gold is a dynamic speaker known for both educating and invigorating audiences to take effective action in reclaiming their health and their natural human rights. She is a frequent guest on media outlets around the world, including Tucker Carlson, USA Today, Associated Press, The Guardian, The Charlie Kirk Show, The Dennis Prager Show, Daystar Television, and many others.

Dr. Gold is America’s expert voice of common sense and scientific clarity in the information war against Medical Marxism and the fraud of corporate media and medical bureaucracy, and she continues to stand as a frontline advocate for civil liberties.

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